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Product Information

  • Category: Digital Signage
  • Key Features: Customizable, supports multiple screen orientations, remote updates and support

LDG Digital Signage Solution

LDG offers a personalized Digital Signage solution for your business. We'll work closely with you to create and deploy Digital Signage that will help your business thrive! Whether it's today's sales, an event calendar, the services your business offers, past projects, or anything else you need to display, LDG Digital Signage has you covered.

Customized Solutions to Best Suit Your Needs

We offer a comprehensive web based Digital Signage solution, custom built just for your needs. Our service can be run digital signage hardware tailored to your needs, which can be provided and maintained by LDG at your request. LDG Digital Signage has support for multiple locations, over the air updates, and remote support from our highly skilled team.


Digital Signage F.A.Q.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Digital Signage.

  • Digital Signage uses screens (often TV screens) to display digital images, videos, menus, or web pages.

  • Displaying information in an easy to view location for your customers, in a manner that can be easily changed, reduces repetitive tasks that need to be done such as changing signs throughout the day. What you display is up to you! Examples of things you could display are your business' menu, products you offer, store hours, sales, or customer queue numbers.

  • We provide a virtual private network (VPN) solution which enables LDG to securely connect with your store's Digital Signage remotely. This allows us to provide security updates and update content without entering the store.

  • The level of support we offer is dependent on the needs of your business. We'll work with you to determine a plan that best suits your needs.

  • Cost is largely dependent on what your company requires for your Digital Signage solution. There are various aspects that will influence cost such as the level of support LDG provides, number of Digital Signs, hardware costs, and signage update frequency.

  • Of course! We'll work closely with you to determine the solution that best suits your needs.