Product Information

  • Category: Local LLMs
  • Key Features: Secure, customizable, fine-tuned.

Data Security Concerns with Typical Cloud-Provided LLMs

Many businesses are unaware that typical cloud-provided Large Language Models (LLMs) present significant security vulnerabilities. Common plans often permit the LLM provider to collect and use the data provided to the model. This can lead to potential exposure of sensitive corporate or customer information, as these third-party providers may utilize or store your data for their own purposes. Ensuring the confidentiality and integrity of your data is crucial in maintaining trust and compliance with regulatory standards.

Our Secure On-Site LLM Solutions

To address these concerns, we offer robust local LLM solutions that can be implemented on-site. Our approach ensures that your corporate or customer data remains private and secure within your own infrastructure. By avoiding the risks associated with data transmission to and from cloud providers, our on-site LLMs safeguard your sensitive information while still providing the powerful capabilities of advanced language models. Trust us to deliver a secure, efficient, and customized LLM solution that meets your business needs.

Our LLM Services

We offer a wide range of services

  1. Hardware and Software Setup — We offer a simple setup to add Local LLMs into your infrastructure fast.
  2. Maintenance — We provide on-going support for the hardware and software to keep the Local LLM functioning.
  3. Software Solution Development — We assist in the design and development of applications that takes advantage of the local LLM.
  4. Model Training, Tuning, & Optimization — We provide our expertise in training, tuning, or optimizing the model to accomplish your team's objective.


Digital Signage F.A.Q.

Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about Digital Signage.

  • A Large Language Model (LLMs) is an powerful system that leverages advanced AI techniques to perform complex tasks.

  • LLMs require a substantial amount of data to be effectively trained to adequately perform there tasks. Often cloud LLM plans permit the provider to collect and use data provided to the model. For a business this could lead to the exposure of sensitive business or customer data to collection. A local LLM can be run on your own infrastructure ensuring sensitive information is kept local.

  • We provide hardware and software setup, maintenance, development and model optimizations. We are happy to assist at any step of the development to make efficient use of LLMs.

  • Cost is largely dependent on what your company needs. We are more than happy to discuss your specific needs and